Reiner Knizia's strategic tile-laying game is coming to Android and iOS!
App Features
Spiralburst Studio is developing the digital version of My City for Android and iOS. The app will feature the 24-episode campaign, the Eternal Game mode, and an app-exclusive Randomized Setup mode to shake up the game's rules.
Cross-platform online multiplayer and AI opponents will be available for all game modes.
Players will also be able to compete in a global Daily Challenge that features random rules and board setups.

About My City
My City is a strategic tile-laying board game by renowned designer Reiner Knizia. Players simultaneously construct colored buildings in their city, aiming to maximize their score and out-plan their opponents. Every game brings a new challenge though - the game board, pieces, and even rules evolve over time!

My City was one of 3 nominees for the prestigious Spiel des Jahres award in 2020. This award recognizes excellent games that are both easy to learn and strategically engaging.
On Board Game Geek, My City sits in the Top 250 overall and is ranked 35 in Family games.